
"I Hear the World!" participated in the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum 2023

2023-07-01 11:22
On June 14 – 17 for the second consecutive year, the "I Hear the World!" project showcased its impact at the prestigious XXVI St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.

Each day during the forum “I Hear the World!” participated in many discussions, meetings, and negotiations shining as an example of successful collaboration between the public and private sectors.

This year we shared the unique experience and results of cooperation with a public organization, the Children's City Audiological Center, St. Petersburg Research Institute of ENT, and Northwestern State Medical University named after Mechnikov in empowering children with hearing impairments.

The stand attracted a lot of attention from forum visitors who expressed their interest and support. The project's stand welcomed a lot of high-profile guests: Governor of St. Petersburg Alexander Dmitrievich Beglov; Vice-Governor of the City of St. Petersburg Oleg Nikolaevich Ergashev; Deputy, Chairman of the Commission on Social Policy and Health of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg Alexander Nikolaevich Rzhanenkov; Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation ("United Russia"), curator of the federal project "Strong Family" Tatyana Viktorovna Butskaya, Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg Alexander Nikolaevich Belsky, Minister of Education Sergei Sergeevich Kravtsov, as well as famous artists and public figures.

Our stand was represented by the head of the project “I hear the world!” Dmitry Georgievich Kulikov and the head of the Association “I Hear the World!”, representative of the federal public council of the United Russia project “Strong Family” Elena Efimovna Popova.